This project was implemented by Tooro Botanical Gardens (TBG) funded by Social Development Fund of the “Ambassade de France” en Oeganda between 2006 and 2007. It was aimed at Empowering women in Fort portal with skills in herbs and spices for self-reliance. Led to increased awareness about the value of herbs and spices, enhance cultivation and use of herbs, spices and indigenous plants for improved community health improved income-generating activities at the household level and introduced appropriate processing techniques aimed at improved quality and marketing of herbs and spices in the region. Community herbs and spices demonstration gardens were set up at TBG, a plant nursery to obtain planting material was established, capacity building in record keeping, business and marketing skills for management team of cooperative or society and small scale processing at household level was given a solar drying unit was constructed and community was trained in drying, packaging and storing techniques.