A forest of indegenous hardwood tree species at Tooro BAotanical Gardens

Ugandan forests, woodlands and Savannah are endowed with hundreds of tree species. Most of these are indigenous hard wood species are not only highly valued by local communities but also contribute to conservation of the environment. Tragically, our species are poorly known and rarely studied. Over the last two decades, the population has doubled in size, immense areas of natural forest and woodland have been irrevocably destroyed and deforestation rates have reached alarming levels. As such, there is a high risk they will disappear very soon before their worth is known.


At TBG, we realise that the biodiversity of these indigenous trees is a cornerstone of the well-being and development of rural communities in Uganda. Part of our incentives aim at bringing back valuable forest resources to inhabited regions that will contribute to improving the economy and the environment towards the sustainable development of rural communities. The garden has now set up a 50 acre arboretum of wild tropical tree species mostly valued by local communities. The arboretum demonstrates research, re-introductions and cultivar conservation of indigenous hardwood trees.


Over 500 different tree species that have been well labelled and documented can be found in the arboretum. TBG will continue to introduce more species sourced from neighbouring forests all over East Africa. It is this approach that will guarantee the next generation can enjoy living a flourishing and prosperous natural environment long after we are gone.

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